Third-party insurance is a policy that protects against the actions of another party. One of the most common types is third-party automobile insurance, which offers insurance coverage that protects against claims of damages or losses incurred by a driver who is not the insured, the principal, and is not covered in the insurance policy. The driver who caused damages is the third party.
BREAKING DOWN 'Third-Party Insurance'
Third-party insurance is essentially a form of
liability insurance purchased by the insured, the first party, and
issued by an insurer, the second party, for protection against the
claims of another, the third party. The first party is responsible for
its own damages or losses, no matter how they were caused.
are two kinds of third-party liability insurance coverage in regard to
automobile insurance. Bodily injury liability covers costs in regard to
people. This includes medical expenses incurred, such as a hospital
bill; lost wages; and pain and suffering. Property damage liability
covers costs related to property or "stuff."
who drives is required by law to carry at least a minimal amount of
both of these types of liability coverage, with the exception of a few
states. Each state has its own minimum requirement for each type of
coverage. Even in “no-fault” states, liability coverage is all but
essential. No-fault laws were established to clear courtrooms filled to
the brim with ordinary injury lawsuits affixed with low-dollar price
tags as well as nearly all claims for “pain and suffering.” Still,
no-fault laws do not protect the insured from million-dollar injury
lawsuits stemming from seriously injured third parties. Both types of
third-party insurance are important, specifically for individuals with
substantial assets to protect. The more money and other assets an
insured individual has, the higher the limit should be for each type of
liability coverage.
Other Types of Third-Party Liability Insurance
most countries, third-party or liability insurance is a compulsory form
of insurance for any party that may potentially be sued by a third
party. Public liability insurance involves industries or businesses that
take part in processes or other activities that affect third parties,
such as subcontractors, visitors or other members of the public. Most
companies include public liability insurance in their insurance
portfolio to protect against damage to property or personal injury.
liability insurance is typically mandated by legislation, the scale of
which varies by country and often varies by industry. This type of
insurance covers all major product classes and types, including
chemicals, agricultural products and recreational equipment, and
protects companies against lawsuits over products or components that
cause damage or injury.
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